Craft Northern Ireland
Arts administration
Craft Northern Ireland was set-up to promote and modernise craft practice in Northern Ireland. Since its inception we have been responsible for all Craft NI’s marketing collateral - including haut métier exhibition catalogues, publicity for interactive events like August Craft Month, annual reports and conference material.
The director Joe Kelly was keen to position craft practice in the public mind as a highly skilled industry with a potential turnover of £23 million. He was also keen to move away from a traditional image of craft as conservative, twee and small scale. This drive to modernise craft was one of Craft NI’s core aims and had to be reflected in its new identity.
Because Craft NI was a new organisation, we had carte blanche. We deliberately created a design language for the organisation that was very different from other craft bodies like Craft England, Craft Scotland or Craft America.
High quality studio photography was used to document craft objects by leading makers, always using the same neutral set, consistently. These were combined with a simple typographic style and lots of white space as part of a design vocabulary that was layered, timeless and that didn’t compete with the work on show.
The adjacent examples are solely of Craft NI’s corporate communications: its non-public, official publications, ministerial briefings and material created for international trade missions.
Alongside the development of the craft sector Craft NI also sponsors many exhibitions, events and mentoring/business development programmes. We created bespoke identities for all of these, specially tailoring them to each activity. They can be seen at:
See also C3
See also August Craft Month
Agency services
- Brand development
- Logo and identity design
- Implementation
- Brand manual
- Brand management